20150708 下記の論文がApplied Physics Lettersにアクセプトされました:M. Suzuki, K. Yamasue, and Y. Cho, Experimental study of electric dipoles on an oxygen-adsorbed Si(100)-2×1 surface by non-contact scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy
20150506 下記の論文がPhysical Review Lettersにアクセプトされました:K. Yamasue, H. Fukidome, K. Funakubo, M. Suemitsu, and Y. Cho, Interfacial charge states in graphene on SiC studied by noncontact scanning nonlinear dielectric potentiometry (accepted, 2015)
20140910 下記の論文がApplied Physics Lettersにアクセプトされました:K. Yamasue, M. Abe, Y. Sugimoto, and Y. Cho, Atomic-dipole-moment induced local surface potential on Si(111)-(7×7) surface studied by non-contact scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy