• 豆知識 / Bits of Knowledge
  • 2019.04.30


Autonomous Decentralized Control: Beyond the sum of individuals

単純な知覚・判断・行動出力を行う「自律個」が協調しつつ動作する「自律分散制御」により,どこかが故障しても本来の働きを損なうことなく動作したり,簡単に拡張できるようなロボットを作ることができます。(石黒 章夫)

Animals are less likely to lose their functionalities even under unstructured and unpredictable environments. Autonomous decentralized control could be the key to understanding such remarkable abilities as well as to developing highly adaptive robot that could not be realized solely by the conventional control schemes. (Akio Ishiguro)