2022年春号 / Spring 2022
2019年よりスタートしたRIEC Newswebの2022年春号ニュースセレクションをお届けします。本号では、2021年10月から2022年3月までのトピックを厳選しました。本年度より開始された研究プロジェクトの紹介に加えて、通研国際シンポジウムのレポート、暗号に関する豆知識等を掲載しています。コンテンツはRIEC Newsweb編集委員会で慎重にピックアップしたものですが、ご希望やご意見がございましたら、編集委員会(riec-newsweb@grp.tohoku.ac.jp)までお寄せいただけると幸いです。
1年間の編集長在任中、企画・編集作業にあたり編集委員の皆様(中野先生、片野先生、夏井先生、上野先生、山末先生)には多大なご尽力を頂きました。また本Newswebプラットフォームの管理・運営にあたってはやわらかい情報システムセンターのスタッフの皆様に大変お世話になりました。この場をお借りして御礼申し上げます。2022年度のRIEC Newswebもどうぞご期待下さい。
2019年以前のRIEC Newsは、https://www.riec.tohoku.ac.jp/ja/info/publications/riecnews/よりご覧いただけます。
RIEC Newsweb 編集長 廣岡俊彦
The 2022 spring edition of RIEC News Selection, which started in 2019, is now issued. This issue covers selected topics from October 2021 to March 2022, including new projects, highlight of RIEC International Symposium, and bits of knowledge on modern cipher. The topics were carefully selected by the RIEC Newsweb editorial board. We welcome any comments and requests from you (riec-newsweb@grp.tohoku.ac.jp).
Two years have passed since the first case of COVID-19, and the situation still continues to be unpredictable. Meanwhile, on March 16, a strong earthquake hit Miyagi and Fukushima area, causing major damage especially in Tohoku Shinkansen and Sendai Castle. The past few months have been dominated by the news about the COVID-19 pandemic, earthquake, and the crisis in Ukraine, which make us consider how “communications that enrich people’s lives” can contribute to our safe, secure, and peaceful society in the post-corona era. In accordance with the trend from “Zero Corona” to “With Corona,” new attempts have been made to utilize novel virtual tools or to hold events in a hybrid mode at various events in RIEC. In this issue, we cover these events in the articles such as the New Year’s Party and the RIEC International Symposium, which we hope you will find interesting.
At the end of my one-year role as Editor-in-Chief, I would like to thank Profs. Nakano, Katano, Natsui, Ueno, and Yamasue for their invaluable efforts as the editorial board. I would also like to thank the staff members of FIR for the management of the Newsweb platform. We look forward to your continued support of RIEC Newsweb in 2022.
The archive for the past RIEC News before 2019 is available at:http://www.riec.tohoku.ac.jp/ja/info/publications/riecnews/
April 2022
Toshihiko Hirooka
Editor-in-Chef, RIEC Newsweb
New Project: Emotion Embodied Avatars: Novel Remote Communication with Motion Unit AI (2022.2.4
New Project: We will develop a sensor for quick and accurate detection of trace gas components in human breath. (2022.2.7)
New Project: We are creating novel optoelectronic devices that hold the key to realizing the ultimate high-speed, high-capacity terahertz wireless communications (2022.2.25)
イベントレポート:2021年度 工学部 オープンキャンパス オンラインにて開催
Event Reports: School of Engineering Open Campus 2021 was held online.
Event Reports: Experience future communication at home! (Virtual RIEC Open House 2021)
イベントレポート:東北大学 電気・情報 産学官フォーラム2021
Event Reports: Tohoku University Industry-Academia-Government Forum 2021
Event Reports: Online Research Meetup to Better Understanding of Research Metrics
Event Reports: RIEC Social Gathering ~Online New Year's Party~
イベントレポート:次世代ICTの羅針盤 – 2021年度共同プロジェクト研究発表会 –
Event Reports: Compass for Next-Generation ICT - FY2021 RIEC Annual Meeting on Cooperative Research Projects –
Event Reports: International Symposium on Terahertz Devices & Technologies Held in Onsite-Online Hybrid Mode
Event Reports: The 1st RIEC Online Workshop on Spintronics
Event Reports: International Symposium on Brain Functions and Brain Computer Held Online
Event Reports: International Workshop on Nanostructures & Nanoelectronics Held Online
Event Reports: Symposium of Yotta Informatics - Research Platform for Yotta-Scale Data Science 2022 – was held online
Topics: The Magnoscope (an Electrical Stethoscope) was designated as Acoustical Heritage by Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ). (2021.10.27)
Bits of Knowledge: Overview of modern ciphers (2021.11.15)
所長退任挨拶 塩入諭(2022年3月31日)
Leaving Director Greeting Satoshi Shioiri (2022.3.31)