
Management Office for Safety and Health

>> Common Research Facilities

Management Office for Safety and Health

Management Office for Safety and Health


  • [ Manager, Professor ]
    Shigeo Sato
  • [ Assistant Professor ]
    Nobuyuki Sato
  • [ Technical Staff ]
    Maho Abe
  • [ Technical Staff ]
    Hiroyuki Yagyu

Research topics

  • Inspection of and assistance in improving the safety and health management system and working environment within the institute.
  • Investigation of laws related to safety and health and collection of information regarding safety and health management.
  • Provision of advice and information to safety and health personnel in each department.
  • Implementation of various types of safety education targeted at staff and students.
  • Liaison and coordination with the supervisory authority and other departments on campus.
  • Holding the safety and health committee meeting

Research Activities

The Management Office for Safety and Health is an organization with the objective of maintaining the safety and health of staff and students working at the institute. The use of chemicals, high-pressure gas and radiation in research activities at the institute entails many risks. The Management Office for Safety and Health provides support for safety and health management in facilities such as research laboratories, experimental facilities, and machine shops through activities to ensure that research activities within the institute are conducted safely and smoothly.
With respect to safety and health management, the Safety and Health Committee, comprising the Director, staff at the institute and industrial physicians, discusses matters related to safety and health and the maintenance of the safety and health management system at the institute, and submits recommendations to the Director and Faculty Council. The Director and Faculty Council then finalize guidelines as advised by the contents of these recommendations. The guidelines are then implemented into actual safety and health management operations at each of the facilities such as research laboratories.

The Management Office for Safety and Health operates to ensure safety and convenience in research activities at the institute.

Safety and health seminar (Webinar)
High-pressure gas seminar (Webinar)

研究室のようすThe state of the research

  • Management Office for Safety and Health