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Fundamental Technology Center

- [ Director, Professor ]
Shigeo Sato - [ Assistant Professor ]
Nobuyuki Sato - [ Technical Staff ]
Tamotsu Suenaga - [ Technical Staff ]
Yuko Maruyama - [ Technical Staff ]
Rikima Ono - [ Technical Staff ]
Maho Abe - [ Technical Staff ]
Takenori Tanno - [ Technical Staff ]
Hiroyuki Yagyu - [ Technical Staff ]
Kento Abe - [ Technical Staff ]
Kenji Ota - [ Technical Staff ]
Michimasa Musya - [ Technical Staff ]
Iori Morita - [ Technical Staff ]
Yasuaki Maeda - [ Technical Staff ]
Kana Tsukimoto
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Research topics
- Providing of technical skills of machining, physical and chemical measurements, material processing, and information management.
- Maintaining of the in-house network of the institute.
- Technical supports for safety and security of the institute.
Research Activities
Pioneering studies in research areas from basic sciences to applied communication technologies have been performed at this institute. Technical staffs have traditionally contributed to these efforts through the use of their well-established skills, experience, and knowledge. To accelerate such contributions in the future, a fundamental technology center encompassing all technical staffs and an assistant professor was established in 2007. This center provides technical skills of machining, physical and chemical measurements, materials processing, and information management through the following four divisions.
The machine shop division focuses on advanced machining techniques and supplies the experimental apparatus that are required by different laboratories by various machine tools (e.g., see Fig.1). This division also provides machining instructions to the students and faculty members who pursue machining independently. The evaluation division offers various evaluation and measurement instruments such as X-ray diffractometer (see Fig.2) and electron probe X-ray micro analyzer. Glass processing techniques can also be provided. In addition, this division is responsible for supplying cryogen. The processing division contracts technical consultation on the fabrication of semiconductor devices such as spintronics with the cooperation section of the Laboratory for Nanoelectronics and Spintronics.This section provides lithography technology
(Fig.3 Electron Beam Lithography System *Shared use machine of Laboratory for Nanoelectronics and Spintronics), commissioned processing of photomasks,various commissioned analyzes such as focused ion beam systems, and clean rooms operation management. Finally, the information technology division operates the in-house network of the institute and manages commonly used information equipment in cooperation with the Flexible Information System Center. In addition, this division engages in the collection and management of intellectual property-related information.