- >> Human and Bio Information Systems Division
Electromagnetic Bioinformation Engineering
- [ Professor ]
Kazushi Ishiyama - [ Professor ]
Yukiko Takahashi - [ Associate Professor ]
Taichi Goto
Group Web Site
Research Activities
For realizing good communication with human body, and for realizing the properties of the human body as an information system, we have to realize the function of the human body as information in addition to catch the signals from the human body. Our research division works on the technology for sensing the information from the human body and for approaching action to the human body. We are focusing to realize the communication technology with human body and to contribute information and communication systems and medical-welfare spheres.
Electromagnetic Bioinformation Engineering (Prof. Ishiyama)
Research topics
- Sensing system utilized magnetics
- High-frequency electromagnetic measuring system
- Micro magnetic actuator
- New medical equipment using magnetic
High-sensitive strain sensor utilizing magneto-erastic effect, which is developed in our laboratory, obtains 10000 times higher sensitivity than commercial sensors under the works for materials, micro-fabrication techniques, controlling the magnetic properties. This sensor is also studied as a vibration sensor. In addition, wireless actuators and manipulators are also investigated. A part of this wireless driving technology is applied for a development of completely embedding artificial heart assist blood pump and a motion system for a capsule endoscope working in the colon tube.
Electromagnetic Bioinformation Materials(Assoc. Prof. Goto)
Research topics
- Nano- and micro-magnetooptical materials
- High-frequency magnetic materials & devices for sensing
- Magnetooptical materials & devices for bio-applications
A circuit using spin waves instead of electrons is useful since a bio-sensing device for sensing information since a living body dislikes slight heat. However, complicated calculation processing using a spin-wave circuit has not been reported, and we are developing this device and materials. In addition, we are developing magnetic, and magnetooptical devices actively work on living bodies. To create superior devices, we will produce superior nano- & micron-scale magnetic and optical materials.