
Flexible Information System Center

>> Common Research Facilities

Flexible Information System Center

Flexible Information System Center


  • [ Professor ]
    Go Hasegawa
  • [ Technical Staff ]
    Kenji Ota
  • [ Technical Staff ]
    Yuko Maruyama
  • [ Assistant Technical Staff ]
    Mutsumi Shuto
  • [ Assistant Technical Staff ]
    Hitoshi Shoji



Research topics

  • Information collection, organization, dispatching, utilization and research support environment.
  • Maintenance, management and operation of information networks and systems in RIEC
  • Technical support for information networks and systems in RIEC

Research topics

The existing information systems are inflexible, meaning that they only provide processing functions predetermined in their design phase. The objective of this center is to introduce, operate, and maintain information networks and systems to support research activities in RIEC, based on the concept of flexible information processing that reflects human intentions and environments.
Moreover, utilizing know-how obtained through practical experiences of the information networks and systems, this center designs and constructs the state-of-the-art systems for advanced organization, utilization, management and operation, and dispatch of scientific information.

Printer Room
Server Room