
Quantum-Optical Information Technology

>> Information Communication Platforms Division

Quantum-Optical Information Technology


  • [ Professor ]
    (Masafumi Shirai)
  • [ Assistant Professor ]
    Soyoung Baek

Group Web Site


Research Activities

Current information and communication technology utilizes macroscopic and classical physical quantities, such as voltage or frequency of electric fields. The classical technology will reach the limit of information density and speed in the near future. The quantum-mechanical counterpart, “quantum information processing and communication technology”, in which information is carried by microscopic and quantum-mechanical quantities, is expected to overcome the difficulty. Our goal is to develop quantum information devices utilizing quantum interaction between electrons and photons in semiconductor nanostructures, to obtain further understanding of their physics, and to apply them to practical quantum information technologies.

Quantum-Optical Information Systems(Assistant Prof. Soyoung Baek)

Development of fundamental devices and quantum measurement techniques for quantum info-communication technology (QICT) utilizing photons, novel materials and semiconductor nanostructures.

Fig.1 Schematic picture of unpolarized single-photon generation using a compound defect, a nitrogen vacancy center (NV center), in a diamond. Spheres, designated N and V respectively, indicate a nitrogen atom and a vacancy which comprises an NV center in the diamond lattice. Dynamically and statically unpolarized single-photon emission is induced by laser excitation for a [111]-oriented NV center in (111) diamond.
Fig.2 An illustration of the scheme for producing frequency-entangled photons. A nonlinear crystal has two different poling periods so that produced photon pairs with orthogonally polarized photon pairs can be frequency entangled.

研究室のようすThe state of the research

  • Quantum-Optical Information Technology
  • Quantum-Optical Information Technology
  • Quantum-Optical Information Technology
  • Quantum-Optical Information Technology