FY2019 RIEC Annual Meeting on Cooperative Research Projects Compass for Next-Gen ICT February 20 (Thu), 2020.
- 2020.01.06
- Event
- Nation-wide Cooperative
CIES Seminar (Lecturer: Dr. Satoru Araki, Spin Memory) will be held.
- 2019.12.26
Demonstration of High-speed SOT-MRAM Memory Cell Compatible with 300mm Si CMOS Technology
- 2019.12.09
Navigating Land and Water: How Centipedes Walk and Swim
- 2019.12.04
- Navigating Land and Water: How Centipedes Walk and
Mr. Ren Arakawa, the 1st degree of master course at New Paradigm VLSI System Laboratory received the Best Young Professionals Paper Award in ICECS 2019. (November 28, 2019)
- 2019.12.04
- Mr. Ren Arakawa, the 1st degree of master course a
Mr. Tomoki Chiba at New Paradigm VLSI System Laboratory (Hanyu-Natsui Group) received the Design Gaia poster award. (November 14, 2019)
- 2019.11.22
- Mr. Tomoki Chiba at New Paradigm VLSI System Labor
The First High-speed Straight Motion of Magnetic Skyrmion at Room Temperature Demonstrated
- 2019.11.19
Assist. Prof. Nobuhide Yokota, Prof. Hiroshi Yasaka, at Applied Quantum Optics Group(Yasaka & Yoshida Group), Assist. Prof. Kazuya Sugiyasu (Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS)), and Assoc. Prof. Hideyuki Takahashi (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.) received IEEE GCCE 2019 Excellent Paper Award (Silver Prize) from 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2019).
- 2019.10.23
- Assist. Prof. Nobuhide Yokota, Prof. Hiroshi Yasak
“Poor-man’s q-bit” based on spintronics can solve quantum problems at room temperature
- 2019.09.28
Mr. MONASTEROLO Florent of the Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory received a Great Presentation Award at 2019 Spring Meeting of Acoustical Society of Japan.
- 2019.09.09
- Mr. MONASTEROLO Florent of the Advanced Acoustic I