At the 11th IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (IEEE NVMSA 2022), Director, Tetsuo Endoh will give an invited talk.
- 2022.08.19
At the Osaka University Academia-Industry Liaison Consortium for Human Resource Development on Nano Science and Engineering 2nd Nano Science and Engineering Information Exchange Meeting in 2022, Director, Tetsuo Endoh will give an invited talk.
- 2022.08.03
At the JATES 80th key person workshop, Director, Tetsuo Endoh will give an invited talk.
- 2022.06.30
Professor Taiichi Otsuji (Broadband Engineering Division, Ultra-Broadband Signal Processing Laboratory) received the 59th (FY2021) IEICE Achievement Award (Research) (June 9, 2022)
- 2022.06.09
Professor Taiichi Otsuji (Ultra-Broadband Signal
At the Tohoku University Cutting-Edge Technology x Life Sciences Series, Vol.4 IT and Semiconductor Technology as Social Infrastructure: From Safety to Medical Collaboration and Healthcare, Director, Tetsuo Endoh will give an invited talk.
- 2022.06.07
At the GSEMMM2022(2nd Global Summit and Expo on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials),Director, Tetsuo Endoh will give a keynote talk.
- 2022.05.30
Assoc. Prof. Masanori Natsui received Research Encouragement Award from the Miyagi Foundation for the Promotion of Industrial Science
- 2022.05.23
Associate Professor Masanori Natsui received Rese
Mr. Keisuke Sakamoto at New Paradigm VLSI System Laboratory (Hanyu-Natsui-Onizawa Group) received IEEE SSCS Japan Chapter Academic Research Award. (May 11, 2022)
- 2022.05.23
Mr. Keisuke Sakamoto, the 2nd degree of master co
A Mathematical Shortcut for Determining Quantum Information Lifetimes
- 2022.04.22
At the MAGNETISMMEET2022, Director, Tetsuo Endoh will give an invited talk.
- 2022.04.12