Mr. Eji Yamamoto at Muraoka-Greaves Laboratory was awarded “The Encouragement Prize” in IEEE Sendai Section Student Award 2009.(December 7,2009)
Mr. Eji Yamamoto, a 1st year student of master course at Muraoka-Greave Laboratory, received “The Encouragement Prize” in IEEE Sendai Section Student Award 2009. This prize is awarded to a student who presented the excellent paper in the Student Session of 2009 Tohoku-Branch Joint Conference of Electronics-Related Institutes. The award was given to the following paper: “Track Density Enhancement by Shingled Writing in Hard Disk Drive”.
The link to the related site of IEEE Sendai Section :
Information Storage Systems,
Broadband Engineering Division,
Research Institute of Electrical Communication,
Tohoku University
Professor Hiroaki Muraoka
TEL: +81-22-217-5456