
Assist. Prof. TREVINO Jorge of the Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory received the IIH-MSP2015 Best Paper Award in Multimedia Signal Processing(Sept 25, 2015)

Assist. Prof. TREVINO Jorge, Mr. HU Shichao (M2), Mr. SALVADOR Cesar (D2),Assoc. Prof. SAKAMOTO Shuichi and Prof. SUZUKI Yo-iti of the Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory received the Best Paper Award in Multimedia Signal Processing (Speech/Audio) for their presentation titled “A compact representation of the head-related transfer function inspired by the wavelet transform on the sphere” presented in IIH-MSP2015 on September 24, 2015.

IIH-MSP 2015 (Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing), the 11th iteration of an annual international conference focusing on advances in multimedia, was held between September 23 and 25 in Adelaide (Australia) with a total of 107 presentations. The best paper award is conferred to the authors of academic papers presented in the aforementioned conference and judged to be of an outstanding quality.


Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory,
Human Information Systems Division
Research Institute of Electrical Communication,
Tohoku University

Assistant Professor  TREVINO Jorge
