
Mr. Yuto Matsumoto at Electromagnetic Bioinformation Engineering Laboratory (Ishiyama・Hashi Laboratory) received Best Student Presentation Award, Special Spinics meeting, 2017.

November 28, 2017,Mr. Yuto Matsumoto, the second degree of master course at Electromagnetic Bioinformation Engineering Laboratory (Ishiyama・Hashi Laboratory) received Best Student Presentation Award, Special Spinics meeting, 2017.
This award is sent to student who made excellent presentation from IEEE Magnetics Society Sendai/Sapporo Joint Chapter. And the award was given to “Measurement of near magnetic field around high frequency circuit using burst modulated pulsed laser” presented at Special Spinics meeting, held in 2017.

IEEE Magnetics Society Sendai/Sapporo Joint Chapter :


Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University
Electromagnetic Bioinformation Engineering
(Professor)Kazushi Ishiyama  E-mail:ishiyama*riec.tohoku.ac.jp(*→@)