- Ms.NODA Miharu of the Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory received a NCSP’18 Student Paper Award
- 2018.03.22
- Assoc. Prof. Tomohiro Otsuka (Otsuka Group) received Yazaki Research Encouraging Award
- 2018.03.20
- Mr. Takashi Maehata, Assoc. Prof. Suguru Kameda and Prof. Noriharu Suematsu received the 2017 Best Paper Award in Smart Radio from Technical Committee on Smart Radio, IEICE (March 2nd, 2018)
- 2018.03.06
- Mr. SAITO, Yuji, a graduate student of the Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory, received Young Investigator Paper Award from Tohoku Chapter, the Acoustical Society of Japan.
- 2018.01.22
- Mr. Yuto Matsumoto at Electromagnetic Bioinformation Engineering Laboratory (Ishiyama・Hashi Laboratory) received Best Student Presentation Award, Special Spinics meeting, 2017.
- 2017.12.04
- Assoc. Prof. Suguru Kameda received Minoru Ishida Foundation Research Award.
- 2017.11.27
- Assoc. Prof. Sakamoto Shuichi received Minoru Ishida Foundation Research Award.
- 2017.11.27
- Mr. Kenta Katayama, Assist. Prof. Hideyuki Takahashi, Mr. Singo Yokoyama, and Prof. Tetsuo Kinoshita at Communication Network Systems(Kinoshita & Kitagata Group) received IEEE GCCE 2017 Student Paper Award (2nd Prize) from 2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017).
- 2017.10.30
- Mr. Yuto Matsumoto at Electromagnetic Bioinformation Engineering Laboratory (Ishiyama・Hashi Laboratory) received MSJ Presentation Award for Student, The Magnetics Society of Japan.
- 2017.10.10
- Mr. Yagyu Hiroyuki, Assist. Prof. Cui Zhenglie, Assoc. Prof. Sakamoto Shuichi, Prof. Suzuki Yôiti, and Prof. Gyoba Jiro received the Best Paper Award from the Symposium of the Entertainment Computing 2017.
- 2017.09.26