- Associate Professor Suguru Kameda received Research Encouragement Award from the Miyagi Foundation for the Promotion of Industrial Science
- 2019.05.28
- President Hideo Ohno (Former Director and Professor of RIEC) received ISCS Welker Award
- 2019.05.23
- Professor Taiichi Otsuji awarded 2019 Prizes for Science and Technology (Research Category), the Commendation for Science and technology by the MEXT, Japan (April 9th, 2019)
- 2019.04.10
- Mr.YAGYU Hiroyuki of the Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory (currently administrative staff in RIEC) received the IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award 2018.
- 2019.04.01
- Mr.SHIBUTANI Takeshi of the Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory received a Great Presentation Award at Young Researcher Recital.
- 2019.03.27
- Dr. Aleksandr KURENKOV received the Best Poster Award at 2nd Symposium for World Leading Research Centers -Materials Science and Spintronics –
- 2019.02.19
- Masaya SUZIKI, 2nd year MS student (Otsuji-Satou Laboratory) received Encouragement Prize for Best Student Pap
- 2019.01.28
- Professor Taiichi Otsuji awarded 2019 Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) (October 22nd, 2018)
- 2018.10.26
- Professor Yasuo Cho was awarded Award for Best Review Paper, JSAP (Japan Society of Applied Physics). (July 6th, 2018)
- 2018.08.17
- Mr. TERAOKA Ryo of the Visual Cognition and Systems Laboratory and Advanced Acoustic Information Systems Laboratory Received the Best Presentation Award in the Mid-term Presentation for Ph.D students
- 2018.07.27