- Hexagonal Copper Disk Lattice Unleashes Spin Wave Control
- 2024.02.01
- Tailoring to Various Applications with Single-nanometer Magnetic Tunnel Junction Technology
- 2024.01.18
- Call for FY2024 Research Rroject [Type A & Type B] (Application terms: From Jan. 10 to Feb. 29, 2024)
- 2024.01.10
- FY2023 RIEC Annual Meeting on Cooperative Research Projects Compass for Next-Gen ICT on Feb. 15th (Thu), 2024
- 2024.01.09
- Researchers Succeed in High-Sensitivity Terahertz Detection by 2D Plasmons in Transistors
- 2023.12.28
- Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27″International Symposium on Rich Telecommunication and NonverbalInformation” will be held in hybrid format (RIEC Main Building, TohokuUniversity + Zoom Webinar).
- 2023.12.26
- New Transparent Magnetic Material Created by Adding Heat with a Laser
- 2023.12.18
- Director Tetsuo Endoh named IEEE Fellow
- 2023.12.14
- Researchers Develop Spintronic Probabilistic Computers Compatible with Current AI
- 2023.12.14
- Yoichiro Tanaka to Receive IEEE Fellow Title
- 2023.12.06