国立大学法人東北大学電気通信研究所公式ウェブサイト|Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University

Human-Robot Interaction 講演会

場所:電気通信研究所1号館S棟3階 S305セミナー室
演題:“Human-Robot Interaction: Looking Beyond the Technical Challenges”
講師:James E. Young, PhD (Assistant Professor)(Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba)

【講演案内】 Human-Robot Interaction on Aug. 12

カナダ・マニトバ大学の James E. Young 先生による講演会を開催いたします.テーマは人とロボットのインタラクションに関するものです.事前申し込みは不要ですので,ご興味を持っていただけましたら,ご自由にお集まりください.

  • 日時  :2013年8月12日(月)10:30~
  • 場所  :東北大学電気通信研究所1号館S棟3階 S305セミナー室
  • 題目  :“Human-Robot Interaction: Looking Beyond the Technical Challenges”
  • 講師  :James E. Young, PhD
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba


Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), broadly, is the study of how people and robots can work together. This includes core interaction design problems of creating interfaces for effective robot control and communication with people, and sociological and psychological studies of how people and robots can share spaces or work together. In this talk I will introduce several of my group’s HRI projects, ranging from novel control schemes for collocated or remote control, programming robotic style by demonstration, and developing foundations for understanding and evaluating human-robot interaction by drawing from psychology and sociology, including current work on robotic authority and gender studies of human-robot interaction.


James (Jim) Young (www.jimyoung.ca) is an Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba, Canada, where he founded the Human-Robot Interaction lab, and is involved with the Human-Computer Interaction lab (hci.cs.umanitoba.ca) with Dr. Pourang Irani and Dr. Andrea Bunt. He received his BSc from Vancouver Island University (previously Malaspina University / College) in 2005, and completed his PhD in Social Human-Robot Interaction at the University of Calgary in 2010 with Dr. Ehud Sharlin, co-supervised by Takeo Igarashi at the University of Tokyo. His background is rooted strongly in the intersection of sociology and human-robot interaction, and in developing robotic interfaces which leverage people’s existing skills rather than making them learn new ones.


電気通信研究所 システム・ソフトウェア研究部門 情報コンテンツ研究室
