国立大学法人東北大学電気通信研究所公式ウェブサイト|Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University




超ブロードバンド信号処理研究分野 教授
尾辻 泰一


  • 日時:2010年3月10日(水)13:00~15:00
  • 場所:東北大学電気通信研究所ナノ・スピン研究棟5階A508室(〒980-8577仙台市青葉区片平2-1-1)
  • プログラム:
    13:00~13:40 “Trends in terahertz plasma waves devices”(in  English)
    Dr. Yahya Moubarak MEZIANI
    (Assoc. Prof., Dept. Fisica Aplicada, Salamanca University, Spain)
    Terahertz rays are located in the spectral region 0.1-10 THz between the microwave and the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. THz ray has the potential to penetrate most common living materials like cloths, papers or plastics. Collective charge density oscillations in two-dimensional electrons systems can be used either for detection and/or emission of terahertz electromagnetic radiations. We report on recent advances in the development of the terahertz plasma wave devices. First, we show our recent results on detection of terahertz radiation by means of different types/architectures of sub-micron transistors. Possible applications in Thz imaging will be presented. Second, we investigate the emission in the THz range by using GaN based transistors and doubly interdigitated grating gates. The emission has been demonstrated in Fourier spectrometer system coupled to Si-Bolometer detector.Future development of devices for terahertz spectroscopy and imaging system will be presented.
    13:40~14:20 「非線形線路を用いた高速信号生成制御に関する検討」(日本語)
    “Nonlinear transmission lines for generation and management of high-frequency electrical signals”(in Japanese)
    楢原 浩一 博士(山形大学大学院理工学研究科、准教授)
    Dr. Koichi NARAHARA
    (Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Sci. and Eng., Yamagata University, Japan)

    Electrical transmission lines with regularly spaced diodes are investigated for the generation and management of high-frequency electrical signals. First, we review the properties of nonlinear waves on the electrical transmission lines periodically loaded with tunneling diodes (TDs) termed TD lines. In general, the transmission equation of a linear dispersive line allows both sinusoidal and exponential solutions. However, exponential solutions are usually discarded because they diverge at infinity, and therefore, do not satisfy any physically meaningful boundary conditions. In a TD line, once the input pulse crosses the peak voltage of the loaded TDs, the exponential wave develops at smaller voltages than the peak, and the ordinary sinusoidal wave is coupled to it at greater voltages. By developing exponential waves, a TD line exhibits technologically useful properties that result in the generation and management of short pulses. Second, we consider a modified composite right- and left-handed (CRLH) line, whose shunt capacitor is replaced by a Schottky diode, called a Schottky CRLH line. The nonlinearity introduced by the diodes can compensate for the dispersion of CRLH lines, resulting in an envelope soliton governed by the nonlinear Schroedinger equation. Several methods for managing envelope solitons are described.

    14:20~15:00 「共鳴トンネル素子を活かす新しい集積化技術」(日本語)
    “Novel integration technology and its application to resonant tunneling diodes”(in Japanese)
    前澤 宏一 博士 (富山大学大学院理工学研究科、教授)
    Dr. Koichi MAEZAWA
    (Prof., Faculty of Sci. and Eng., Toyama University, Japan)
    共鳴トンネルダイオード(RTD)は,超高周波動作が可能な量子効果デバイスであり,その微分負性抵抗特性はTHz領域まで持続することが報告されている.これまで,RTDの微分負性抵抗を利用した様々な応用回路が提案されてきた.中でも,RTDの最も基本的な応用である発振器に関しては,最大発振周波数831 GHzや高調波を利用したTHz信号生成が報告されている.しかし,RTDの実用化にはいくつかの難点がある.RTDは二端子素子であるため, 入出力分離が困難であり,多くの場合,その能力を発揮するには従来型素子との集積化が必要となる.それには,複雑な結晶成長が必要であり,nm オーダの構造を含むRTD特性の再現性への不安や,コストの問題が生じる.また,RTDは直流から負性抵抗が存在するため,低周波のスプリアス発振が起こりやすいという問題点があり,その設計を困難にしてきた.本講演では、これらの問題を解決するために我々の行っている試みについて紹介する.まず,始めに集積化を容易にする新しいプロセスであるFSA(Fluidic Self Assembly)について紹介する.この方法は,微小なデバイスブロックを溶液中に散布し,他の基板上 に設けられたリセスに配置するというものである.これによって,容易に完成した集積回路上にRTDを配置することが可能となる.ここでは,この技術を応用した極短パルス生成回路,発振器,THz増幅器などのRTD集積回路について述べるとともに,回路上の工夫についても議論する.

    Resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) are most promising quantum effect devices. Their negative differential resistance (NDR) has been demonstrated to persist up to THz frequency range. Varieties of applications, including analog and digital circuits, have been proposed and demonstrated using RTDs. One of the most promising applications of RTDs is an oscillator. Ultrahigh frequency oscillations up to 831 GHz and THz frequency signal generation based on harmonics have been already demonstrated. However, there are some problems preventing their application, such as their bias instability, complex fabrication process, and cost. In this talk, we will present our attempts to overcome these problems. We first discuss about the novel integration technology called FSA (Fluidic Self Assembly) to overcome complex fabrication process of the RTD ICs and hence to reduce integration costs. The FSA enables us to integrate small device blocks on another substrate. It employs a stochastic process, where scattered small device blocks are arranged into the recesses on the host substrate placed in the fluid. With this technology RTDs can be easily integrated on conventional ICs. We discuss various application circuits of RTDs based on this technology. We also discuss circuit level techniques to overcome instability problem. Ultra-short pulse generators, oscillators and THz amplifiers will be discussed.





教授 尾辻 泰一
