- The Student Presentation Award of the Acoustical Society of Japan was awarded to Mr. FURUNE, Fumimasa.(April 21,2011)
- 2011.04.25
- Dr. Katsuhiro Ueno was awarded “Takahashi Award” in Japan Society for Software Science and Technology.(January 25,2011)
- 2011.02.25
- Mr. Takuya Imamoto at Endoh Laboratory was awarded “The Encouragement Prize” in the IEEE Sendai Section Student Award 2010.(December 3,2010)
- 2011.01.06
- Mr. Hyoungjun Na at Endoh Laboratory was awarded “The Best Paper Prize” in the IEEE Sendai Section Student Awards 2010.(December 3,2010)
- 2010.12.08
- Mr. Yoshitaka Ikeda at Suzuki-Iwaya Laboratory was awarded the research encouragement prize in the Auditory Research Meeting October 2010 sponsored by the Technical Committee of Psychological and Physiological Acoustics, Acoustical Society of Japan.(October 17,2010)
- 2010.10.19
- Dr. Atsushi Matsumoto was awarded “FIT2009 Young Researcher Award” in 9th Forum on Information Technology.(Sept 14、2010)
- 2010.10.04
- Postdoctoral research fellow Naoya Onizawa, Mr. Tomoyoshi Funazaki, Dr. Atsushi Matsumoto and Prof.Takahiro Hanyu recieved the “Best Paper Award” in IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI.(July 6,2010)
- 2010.07.13
- Prof. Yoshihito Toyama was awarded “The 2009 Basic Research Award” in Japan Society for Software Science and Technology.(June 9,2010)
- 2010.06.18
- Prof. Junichi Murota was awarded “The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology”.(April 13,2010)
- 2010.04.08
- Postdoctoral research fellow Daisuke Suzuki, Dr. Masanori Natsui and Prof. Takahiro Hanyu recieved the paper award from IEICE Electronics Society.(May 22)
- 2010.03.31