国立大学法人東北大学電気通信研究所公式ウェブサイト|Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University

講演会 “Binocular Rivalry: parallel pathways, dynamics, and attention”

演題:“Binocular Rivalry: parallel pathways, dynamics, and attention”
講師:Sheng He 教授(Minnesota大学)



教授 塩入 諭


講演者のHe 教授は,心理物理実験やEEG,fMRI計測を用い,錐体の特性から注意や物体認識にいたるまで初期視覚から高次視覚過程にわたる視覚科学の諸分野で,斬新なアイデアに基づく数多く研究を続けている気鋭の研究者です.今回の講演も,両眼視野闘争について新規な視点にたった研究の紹介をされると思います.

  • 日時  :2009年12月1日(火)17:00~18:00
  • 場所  :東北大学電気通信研究所2号館2階 W214
  • 演題  :“Binocular Rivalry: parallel pathways, dynamics, and attention”
  • 講演者:Sheng He 教授(Minnesota大学)
  • Abstract:
    When two images at corresponding retinal locations of the two eyes are very different, observers tend to see an alternation between these two images, a phenomenon called binocular rivalry. I will present some evidence that supports the idea that rivalry occurs primarily in the Parvocellular rather than the Magnocellular pathway. I will also discuss factors (e.g., stimulus properties, genetic factors) that influence the dynamics binocular rivalry. I will also present our recent EEG study that strongly suggests binocular rivalry is dependent on visual attention.