講演会 “Creating Unique Technology for Everyone”
場所:東北大学電気通信研究所2号館W棟4階 大会議室
演題:“Creating Unique Technology for Everyone”
講師:Professor Ellen Yi-Luen Do(Visiting Research Professor, Interactive & Digital Media Institute, National University of Singapore)
【講演案内】 “Creating Unique Technology for Everyone”
米国のジョージア工科大学(現在,シンガポール国立大学に滞在中)のEllen Yi-Luen Do 先生の講演会を行います.日常生活をより良くするためのデザインやインタラクション技術についてご講演頂きます.
- 日時 :2013年10月21日(月)13:30~14:30
- 場所 :東北大学電気通信研究所 2号館W棟4階 大会議室
- 題目 :“Creating Unique Technology for Everyone”
- 講師 :Professor Ellen Yi-Luen Do
Visiting Research Professor,
Interactive & Digital Media Institute,National University of Singapore
In this talk I will discuss the ideas of creating experience media and interactive computing projects for smart living environments for heath, awareness and entertainment. Design and Human-Computer Interaction are crucial components of information technologies in daily life and they color our experience of computation and communication. The questions are then: Can we employ computing creatively to enhance our lives? Can we use technological innovation to unlock and augment human potential? Can we imagine computing without computers, where information processing has diffused into everyday life, and virtually become invisible and can be perceived through various modes of sensations?
Ellen is Professor in the School of Industrial Design and the School of Interactive Computing, in the College of Architecture, and the College of Computing, at Georgia Institute of Technology. She has built creative computing tools, from understanding the human intelligence and creativity involved in the design process to improving our interaction with computers beyond the desktop into the physical world. She works on Things that Think, Spaces that Sense and Places that Play – a smart living environment in which computing technologies embedded in the built environment (e.g., objects, furniture, building, and space) support everyday happy healthy living. Prof. Do is on leave from Georgia Tech in 2013, and has served as the CUTE Center Co-Director (NUS side) since April 2013. She holds a PhD in Design Computing.
電気通信研究所 システム・ソフトウェア研究部門 情報コンテンツ研究室