国立大学法人東北大学電気通信研究所公式ウェブサイト|Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University



  • 日時:令和5年12月13日(水)15:00 ~ 16:30
  • 会場:オンライン開催


  • 演題

Ryo Kawashima and Takashi Watanabe
“A Feasibility Study of Prediction of Lower Limb Segment Inclination Angles under Different Walking Speeds”

Nabila Alya Rahma, Achmad Arifin, Norma Hermawan
“Design of Wheelchair Navigation System with Object Detection Using Computer Vision for People with Visual Impairment”

Ryunosuke Sato and Takashi Watanabe
“A Basic Study on Elimination Method of Artifact in EMG Signals for Voluntary Activity Estimation in FES Assist Cycling with Pedaling Wheelchair”

Natasya Adinda Weninggalih, Achmad Arifin, Josaphat Pramudijanto
“Development of Muscle Spasticity Monitoring System in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation with Functional Electrical Stimulation using Fuzzy Decision Support System”

  • 問合せ先:東北大学 サイバーサイエンスセンター

システム制御研究会 幹事 杉田 典大

電話:022-795-7125 E-mail: n-sugita[at]tohoku.ac.jp

