研究会名:音響工学研究会 通研講演会
開催日:2011年10月24日 (月) 15:30~16:30
題目: “Evidence for common processing networks for speech and body actions”
講演者:Georg F. Meyer 先生(University of Liverpool 上級講師)
音響工学研究会 通研講演会のお知らせ
工学研究会 音響工学研究会
主査 伊藤 彰則
幹事 岩谷 幸雄
- 日時:2011年10月24日(月)15:30~16:30
- 場所:東北大学電気通信研究所2号館4階大会議室
- 題目:“Evidence for common processing networks for speech and body actions”
- 講演者:Georg F. Meyer 先生 (University of Liverpool 上級講師)
- abstract:Incongruencies between auditory and visual signals negatively affect human performance and cause selective activation in neuroimaging studies; therefore, they are increasingly used to probe audiovisual integration mechanisms. An open question is whether the increased BOLD response reflects computational demands in integrating mismatching low-level signals or reflects simultaneous unimodal conceptual representations of the competing signals. To address this question, we explore the effect of semantic congruency within and across three signal categories (speech, body actions, and unfamiliar patterns) for signals with matched low-level statistics. We find that incongruent combinations of two meaningful stimuli (speech and body actions) but not combinations of meaningful with meaningless stimuli lead to increased BOLD response in the posterior STS (pSTS) bilaterally, the left SMA, the inferior frontal gyrus, the inferior parietal lobule, and the anterior insula. These interactions are not seen in premotor areas. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that pSTS and frontal areas form a recognition network that combines sensory categorical representations (in pSTS) with action hypothesis generation in inferior frontal gyrus/premotor areas. We argue that the same neural networks process speech and body actions.